Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Welcome and 1 Simple way to save

Welcome to my blog!

Hello, My name is Katy and I'd like to welcome you to my first blog.

My hope is that my blogs reach people of all ages and that they provide a change for people to reflect on their own situation and have their own financial awakening; As we go along you will be able to understand the ways one can change their habits in order to achieve the end result.

You could call it like your own Self-guided blog with the goal being to save money!

A little preface to my blogs: Sometimes the advice I provide might sound very strict, forward or almost impossible, but bear with it and you will save money!

The key is to make your own individualized plan of taking mini steps until you will get use to using these strategies and you will thank your pocket!

How do you get started to the path to frugality?

 Make a weekly menu and shop every 2 weeks!

I know that we all have very busy lives, but with a little bit of organization this is possible.

Why bother planning? 

This stops those impulse purchases of going to the store and buying the original item you may have gone out for such as Celery. 

Instead what happens are impulse buys (which in this case is Mars bars and candy) plus many more items adding countless dollars. So Mars bars can be $4.50 for a pack of 4, and candy another couple of dollars; if you throw in the Icecream thats another $6, and soon you are easily up to $20.00 for just "add on purchases", when you really came in to buy a top of buy of cheese, bread and milk lets say.

In my case I use to be guilty of impulse buys all the time. I sometimes leave things out of the shopping list because I am so frugal because I feel  I can live without this or that. The truth is I have a sweet and salty tooth; so I know I will reach for those sweets and should really include them in my bi-weekly shop. Therefore, one way to prevent impulse shopping is to buy foods you forecast you will need in proportions- yes even sweets or chips! 

To Do Homework:

Think about your day and find out where you have “clear moments” in your schedule and use this time to make your menu. 

For me my free moments are first thing in the morning when I am having coffee and eating breakfast, this is when I feel I have the most energy and feel I can concentrate to make an eating plan.  In my next posts I will share a photo of my bi-weekly meal plan!

Let me know how you found making your first bi-weekly menu and comment in the comment box with some ideas.

I hope you have thoroughly enjoyed my first blog. 

Feel free to comment I would love to see your thoughts!

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